When Shiva beats his Damru- evil SHAKES!! While the wise awakes!
Such is the magic of Shiva and can there be any better place to celebrate this magic than Kashi? Certainly not! Varanasi is synonymous with Shiva’s home. Here each day is a festival but the vigour is at next level on the day of Nag Panchami.
Nag Panchami aka ‘the festival of snakes’ is celebrated on the fifth day of the moonlit fortnight in the month of Shravana. There’s an ancient temple named Karkotak Nageshwar Mahadev located at Jaitpura, Varanasi which holds great significance on this festive day.

Karkotak Nageshwar literally means ‘well of serpents’. The Shiva linga remains submerged in the water of the Karkotaka well. On the day of Nag Panchami the well is cleaned so that the water level recedes and the Ling is visible. Devotees offer prayers and worship the ling with the belief that they don’t have to fear the death caused by any kind of poison as they have seeked the divine’s blessings here.

Local fair is also organised here on the account of Nag Panchami and people celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm and devotion.
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